Own Your Body’s Data
May 18, 2016
Do you recognize the image behind this speaker?
That’s right, it’s a basal temperature chart for the Fertility Awareness Method! Charting made it to TED for the whole general audience to hear about!
(Click here if you don’t yet know what the Fertility Awareness Method is!)
In this TED talk Talithia Williams shares about how, as a statistician, she loves the stories that numbers can tell. She encourages us to start keeping consistent data on certain aspects of our bodies and how it can make a huge difference in our health.
What’s most fun about this talk is that her examples are all related to women’s health. She shares about how her doctor wanted to induce her a week after her due date, but she kept pressing him to show her the data that it was truly necessary. After him not being able to show the data, and her signing a waiver, she walks out of the hospital and waits for labor to start spontaneously. She then shares about how before this pregnancy, it was charting that helped her conceive and gain clues about her fertility which is perfectly stated here:
"…had I not been taking my temperature, I would have just thought that my period was late that month, but we actually had data to show that we had miscarried this baby. And even though this data revealed a really unfortunate event in our lives, it was information that we could then take to our doctor."
Talithia truly captures the significance of taking ownership of our bodies and the beauty of the Fertility Awareness Method in empowering us on our fertility journey.
Watch her full captivating story below:
Click here to learn more about the Fertility Awareness Method and how I can support you in avoiding or achieving pregnancy naturally.
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