3 Simple Ways to Detox Before Conception

essential oils natural living pregnancy women's health Jun 16, 2016



Wanting to get pregnant in the next couple of months, or even in the next few years?


Preconception is a perfect time to start getting your body and lifestyle ready for a healthy pregnancy.



In today’s guest post, Heather Tupps gives three suggestions to consider specifically before conception.


The more you prepare beforehand the less overwhelming healthy changes can be during pregnancy.

When my friend found out she was pregnant, like most first time moms to be, she started researching how to have a healthy pregnancy. However, she quickly remembered one of the curses of the internet – the overwhelming flood of information you receive. Your food is toxic, your mattress is toxic, your water is toxic, all the products in your house are toxic, even all the baby clothes and furniture you just added to your registry are toxic! Ahhh!

Okay okay- don’t panic! I’m always so glad to hear that women want to start making healthy changes, but it breaks my heart when I hear about how overwhelmed they feel. Everyone is doing their best, and fear should not be the motivating factor for making changes. Love for our bodies and wanting the best for our families should drive these decisions. That’s why I think it’s so powerful when women start to make changes even before they want to get pregnant, so that they have more time to slowly introduce healthy changes and make these new habits second nature.

With this in mind, sometimes we can focus so much on what we’re putting in and on our body, that we forget there are forces outside of our control that can still lead to toxic build up. So while we slowly replace our lotions, perfumes and candles with healthier options like ones made with essential oils, and we eat less processed foods and more organic, whole, real foods; we also need to make sure we are properly supporting our bodies to effectively eliminate environmental toxins that we come in contact with through our water, air, and everyday life. 


That’s where my friend Heather Tupps steps in. On her blog, Grounded Approach, she gives you, 3 Simple Ways to Detox Before Conception. Heather has been one of my biggest inspirations in pursuing a healthier lifestyle. In college, Heather was at one of her lowest points in her health, but then, I had the privilege of witnessing her passionate pursuit to heal herself through food and lifestyle changes. Now she’s a vibrant inspiration to many through her blog, Grounded Approach. I’ll still always think of her as my radical, health nut friend, but now I’ve hopped on the train too!


Read the full blog post here: 3 Simple Ways to Detox Before Conception here!


Looking for ways to stop adding to the toxic burden on your body? Then check out how essential oils and oil infused products can help in my FREE Holistic Hormone Health mini course!

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